The Magical Mystery Of Garden Gnome Figurines
The whimsical world of gnomes has a frequency of myths we love to believe are real.
This is why we decorate our gardens with cute colorful statues rooted in the history of folklore and fairies, leprechauns, and other elemental creatures. These magical muses were part of earthly history and lived amongst humans until wars drove them into the spiritual realms. Here they reside visible to those with eyes to see and only appear to humans with empathy for their existence. Gnomes are part of this collective family and are viewed as earth protectors and can move through underground tunnels connected with various forests. These quirky nature spirits are guardians of plant life, precious stones, and the four elements of fire, earth, air, and water. They are also magicians and highly spiritual with an affection for humans who they consider are losing their way. Gnomes are about 3 feet in height and can live longer than humans.
‘Our elemental counterparts live in family dynamics of equality and cooperative communities under the ground with other gnome families’
And are intuitively in sync with Mother Earth and their environment emotively understanding we need to live in alignment with our planetary home and all of creation. Our esoteric gnomes are highly evolved in the realms of spirituality although they have had a bad rap from some religions that believe them to be bad luck or demonic. Not with people who consider these tiny people good luck charms and parked gnome monuments around their homes and gardens after their grand entry in the 19th century via a German sculptor – although their appearance was earlier depicted as the Roman god of fertility. By the 1950s gnomes were part of the garden culture and appeared live on the lawns of homes. Gnomes were instantly appealing, cheerful, and super fun. Companies went to town creating all kinds of gnomes in bright colors and moods to suit. Their eclectic looks are highly desired and dominant in global gardens as eye-catching attractions among the roses, tulips, or trees even though they prefer to be unseen in their subsurface cities where gnomes live and play.
‘Our seemingly black-and-white world seeks the proof of mythical animates keeping such things as dwarfs and gnomes figments of human imagination fuelled by our inner child connections with what lies beyond the norm’
We are a peculiar species who fear the unknown and like to put it snugly in a pocket of fantasy brought out for examination when we need to stretch our minds and consider there are dimensions and realms in which creatures might reside. Our creator lives in such a place even though we cannot see or touch this apparition that moves us to tears with its ode to unconditional love. Living on an island home in the empty vault of the cosmos has marred our vision of potential beings that may be real but hidden. We have become secular and isolated in our thinking we are entirely alone in this universe where higher consciousness doors are always available to open. Did you know? Gnomes are nature spirits and healers attracted to people who rescue animals or energy healers such as reiki practitioners, herbalists, or naturopathic medicine. You can connect and gain their trust with your caring intuition and perhaps a gift of healing herbs such as lavender, chamomile, or flax seed.
‘Gnomes are among a collective of mystical entities known throughout history and celebrated as mythical friends we speak into our hearts as untrue’
These darlings of the elemental clan are also spirit animals that bring a clear path to your creative edge while teaching you to flow through life illusions, challenges, and tests. Your gnome animal guide in the spirit is a protector and teacher of wisdom. It is a blessing to have gnomes on your side as they are the mystical mentor that leads you to your higher purpose and spiritual self. In closing, I leave you with a philosophical thought. Is it possible that in 500 years our extinct and at present endangered animals and plant life considered nothing more than a myth? Much like the city of Atlantis, fairies, goblins, and gnomes.
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Author ~ Linda (Style Whiz)