Learning To Love Yourself, Self Love Book

When we start a conversation about self-love many refer to the free-spirited vibes of a hippie-style person and find it hard to relate.

Not so as self-honor and love is our birthright, divinely and human. And that means a deeper understanding of our inner light and authenticity in this world of people who doubt their unique and gifted prowess. Empowered women are confident, strong, loving, and kind as they are not out to prove anything except that they are beautiful and brimming with self-respect. This woman of the world has a high regard for herself.  From this stance comes a desire to be treated accordingly, so men are often drawn to this divine feminine who exudes an authoritative essence that whispers ‘I am a woman of worth.’

‘The Empress of the female tribe is a catch and doesn’t she know it as she walks to the beat of her drum and thinks with an originality that does not adhere to fashion trends’

This Mademoiselle is no shrinking violet and demands a mate that only has eyes for her. She is a show-stopper feminine who likes herself enough to say no to anything that she intuits as not good for her or her precious life. You see this girl or woman is tuned into her inner voice and trusts her wisdom and insight enough to make pragmatic and practical choices without illusion clouding her judgment. The modern divine feminine is a treasure to this world and an asset to the divine masculine-smart enough to see her innate worth in a world where humanity is struggling under the weight of insecurities, dysfunction, and negative patterning.

learning to love yourself


‘This diamond in the rough has eyes to see beauty in healing from past traumas and doing the work required to cast off the heavy burdens she may have carried from childhood’

The enlightened Eve of Planet Earth is a powerhouse corporate boss – an avenging angel for the wounded animals and humans plus a mother, lover, and friend to all who need her wise counsel. She is a consummate multi-tasker, a rare gift to this world who learned the lesson of self-love. It may have come at a price but this girl gets the need for self honor – self-respect and pouring into herself. This is why she has reserves of compassion, nurture, and love for all who are drawn to her alluring divine light. Our belle of the feminine ball is no damsel in distress and often the person her friends and family call in times of relationship crisis or stress.

‘Sadly so many modern women due to parental programming and societal ideals feel a lack of self-love and make choices based on their current analysis of self’

This can show up as abusive, controlling, or co-dependent relationships where others take advantage of your submissive and needy nature. Self-love sounds easy but it takes inner work and a desire to be a feminine who lives by her original code and will never sell herself short. Many books can get you started on the road to honoring the self with spiritual and meditative practices plus evolving from toxic habits that may hinder your health and a positive outlook. This popular book helps us discover our higher purpose and gain skills that allow us to be more confident and in charge of our destined path. Learning how to love who we are brings our authenticity online and lets us live life from a perspective of joy, contentment, and self-love

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Author ~  Linda (Style Whiz)


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