Elusive, Mermaid Decor – Spirit Animal

When we think of a mermaid, we conjure images of the ocean and beautiful women with long-flowing hair and scaly, fish-tails

According to myth, these femme spirits of the sea were said to sink ships and all who sailed in them. Their antics at sea are legendary so to explore mermaid origins, we set sail for the Mediterranean Sea and the historic, land of Greece. In ancient times, this mighty metropolis was ruled by gods, who made their home above Mount Olympus, in the clouds, and before them, Greece was in the golden age of the Titans, who were more old-school rulers and immortal, giant-sized gods with magic powers. Now you have probably heard of Poseidon, God of the sea but did you know there were many Grecian deities? The Greeks worshiped supreme beings, as the ocean was their prime source of income and food supply.

‘The Greek Siren Story’

The mythical sirens were considered a predecessor of mermaids and often featured in ancient artworks and writings by William Shakespeare. The treasure chest opens on these Greek sea deities, as the offspring of the river god Achelous. The story goes Achelous a Grecian muse was blessed with three daughters who became companions to Persephone, the daughter of the Greek gods, Zeus and Demeter. The three sisters would sing and play the flute, and lyre to appease the young Goddess, who under their care was taken by Hades, the god of the underworld. The grief-stricken mother of Persephone (Demeter) was so angered with the sirens, that she cursed them as grotesque bird-like creatures with wings. They were also abandoned to a group of small, rocky  Islands with a jagged, treacherous coastline. Through the ages, much has been said about sirens being mermaids, but in the end, it appears they are two separate entities. How a bird-like creature became a female with a fishtail, has been the subject of romanticized literature and art.

mermaid wall hanging

Mermaid Decor

‘Origins Of The Elusive Mermaid’

In early Africa, water spirits resembling mermaids were honored as a Mami Wata, and are more likely to be the mermaids we know of today and written into folklore. A symbol of good luck and why many European sailing boats had a mermaid figurehead, carved out on the bow. Did you know the word “Sirena means mermaid in Spain, Rome, France, Italy, Portugal, and many more nations? Perhaps suggesting a belief in mermaids worldwide? Also brought to light are the countless sightings of mermaids, including Christopher Columbus, the adventurous mariner. The sirens were mythical creatures that sent sailors to Davy Jones’s locker, while mermaids are often blamed, for bad weather at sea. This could explain how the siren and mermaid became the same. Could mermaids have been real? Believing in these sea-faring elementals allows us to open our minds to unseen forces in other realms. Adding mermaid decor brings the watery mystique of these feminine sea-maidens

‘Do you have a mermaid as your trusted, spirit guide?’

If so you may seek love on a deeper, soul mate level and be drawn to nature and the sea. If your dreams are filled with mermaids when troubled over matters of the heart, your spirit animal will support you when healing from past hurts. Under the cosmic glow of totems, the mermaid takes her place. She will ask us to balance our minds and hearts. She wants us to be independent a free-spirit with internal and spiritual strength. Mermaids are known to be visible at dawn and dusk when the veil between worlds is diminished so you might have a spiritual awakening and acquire psychic gifts. Right now they are trying to show us the ocean needs our help as centuries of misuse have altered Poisedans, watery homes. Did you know mermaids can be with us from the time we are born? Other spirit animals may appear with a special message but these sea nymphs, stay with us for life. They teach us to ride the waves and go with the cosmic watery flow. She will also cheer you on when you choose a unique path. This could be living off the grid or a personal, spiritual quest. Mermaid will light the way, that takes you to your higher self.

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Author ~  Linda (Style Whiz)


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