Spirit Animals

horse spirit animal

‘Majestic Wild Horses – Spirit Animal’

Images of horses running free invoke a sense of freedom we aspire to as humans galloping daily through our lives. Horses are considered noble and have been workmates throughout history in the fields, on the battlefield, or as transport when vehicles were non-existent. The aura of a horse is magical so if you were born in the Chinese year of this magnificent beast, you will likely bear similar traits of cheerfulness – enthusiasm, and liveliness as the horse is a jovial creature that draws in the crowd with a charismatic personality. It’s hard not to love the horse person as they are free-spirited with a Pollyanna vibe that makes others think they have found the secret to a forever happy life. Depending on the year you were born your quirky, horse attributes can vary according to the Chinese elements of gold (metal), water, fire, earth, and wood. The five elements rule the cosmic flow of change in this ancient Asian philosophy so people born under the the guise of a metal horse may be a rebel, popular in friend groups with a super-strong intellect.  While In contrast, an earth horse is reliable, steadfast, and always ready to help others. As you can see the elements bring a shade of dark and light to the horse’s personality much like the shifts in climate as our earthly seasons evolve.

horse spirit animal

‘The spirit of the horse has been celebrated throughout the ages in myth’

The Turkish Tulpar a flying horse often seen as black or white while the Greeks revered the Hippocampus, a horse with a fish tale, and a white-winged steed named Pegasus held in high regard with the eight-legged Sleiponer and Unicorn, a majestic white apparition with a horned head. The Native Americans believe each person has a spirit totem animal, a counterpart that walks symbolically by your side exuding similar character traits. If you are blessed enough to hear the hooves of horse cantering by your side you will gain resilience, strength, and bravery.  Horses leap over massive jumps like obstacles in life showcasing an ability to work with the natural world and promote harmony. Those who encompass the qualities of a horse have an aristocratic and brave style of trotting through the wilderness of strife. If you fall the horse encourages you to get back up and ride again. This shows in the global paddocks as competitive and fast-track learning. The horse is a friend to humans carrying him through the good and not-so-good times with optimism and endurance. Dogs may be considered man’s best friend but the horse is the star of human help They are pack and therapy animals popular in sports, for breeding, and on the racetrack or rodeo. Horses are endearing and the relationship between horse and rider teaches us the art of teamwork and the closeness one can attain when learning new skills. When you connect with the soul of a horse you touch the spirit of their magic and bond with their sacred heart.

Author ~ Linda (Style Whiz)
