spiritual love

‘A Letter From Soul To The Divine’

Love is the keynote of creating a sweet melody of romantic, family, or friendships that last a lifetime. Love is forever in the image of a soul walking the path as a human. It is the manifestation of a divine that saw the need for their offspring to experience and grow through happenings of dark and light. The young soul comes to Planet Earth with expectations of love only to find the depth of despair showcased through wars, racism, and apathy. Where was the love they so hungrily sought in a realm of constant conflict and indifference? Father, they cried feeling lost in a world where love is a compromise based on skin color, sexuality, or religious points of view. The young soul feels abandoned in a hostile land of humans who forget they are divine and born from spiritual love. We are slaves to a rhythm of life often not of our choosing knowing there is more to the story of holy origins. Some of us feel the call of a consciousness steeped in love. A vibration of authenticity that demands we walk our free-spirited path. Others walk to the beat of another’s well-rehearsed song. Why did I come here asks the soul on their first earthly outing. It seems so dark and full of fear Father. I am afraid this world is unlovable. What is the lesson this soul came here to learn? Am I here to justify a planet of lost souls or share your testimony of love as the awakening of awareness to spiritual love? I want to understand. Catch a falling star of your wisdom. I am a soul on a journey of discovery. Why is this world so strange?

spiritual love


‘People talk from a place other than heart shifting their light from love to memoirs of envy, jealousy and judgment’

Humans are creatures of convention, patterns instilled from eons ago. Our origins on earth are cloudy with talk of conspiracy and control as mentors of our original sin. Religion stylized the mood of how we could worship a God a creator of love and a guide for our everyday life. There are so many Gods for a soul to love on Earth. I have taken notes with many of them but always return to your light. This planet is the magician’s lair with many choices and masks that substitute truth. How did it come to this Father? Why are there wars, famine, and heartless acts? My heart bleeds for these humans who by-stand their beautiful lives. Your enchanting creations that can’t see their worth. If they knew how much you love them they might start to love themselves. Some have ascended to their divinity while others won’t see the beauty they are. Souls are here to learn and grow from the human condition  A collective of conflicting ideals shared by others as the game of life. Father, I see a lack of unity and a need for humans to live together for their highest good. Is this a dream I long to make true or a purpose written from your loving heart.? Did I reincarnate to a planet on the precipice of change? I am open to supporting this cause as humans are a rare gift with the capacity for greatness. Here, the soul is enlightened only if we are willing to walk through fire and storms. The experience transcends our awareness and inspires us to endorse heaven on earth. A prophecy of New Earth and the consciousness of Christ. I am here for the duration Father a soul with a unity quest. As I walk through the shadows of Earth. My divine is always with me.

‘Father with my knightly sword of light ~ I pledge my allegiance to your unconditional heart and love’

Author ~ Linda (Style Whiz)



horse spirit animal

‘Majestic Wild Horses – Spirit Animal’

Images of horses running free invoke a sense of freedom we aspire to as humans galloping daily through our lives. Horses are considered noble and have been workmates throughout history in the fields, on the battlefield, or as transport when vehicles were non-existent. The aura of a horse is magical so if you were born in the Chinese year of this magnificent beast, you will likely bear similar traits of cheerfulness – enthusiasm, and liveliness as the horse is a jovial creature that draws in the crowd with a charismatic personality. It’s hard not to love the horse person as they are free-spirited with a Pollyanna vibe that makes others think they have found the secret to a forever happy life. Depending on the year you were born your quirky, horse attributes can vary according to the Chinese elements of gold (metal), water, fire, earth, and wood. The five elements rule the cosmic flow of change in this ancient Asian philosophy so people born under the the guise of a metal horse may be a rebel, popular in friend groups with a super-strong intellect.  While In contrast, an earth horse is reliable, steadfast, and always ready to help others. As you can see the elements bring a shade of dark and light to the horse’s personality much like the shifts in climate as our earthly seasons evolve.

horse spirit animal

‘The spirit of the horse has been celebrated throughout the ages in myth’

The Turkish Tulpar a flying horse often seen as black or white while the Greeks revered the Hippocampus, a horse with a fish tale, and a white-winged steed named Pegasus held in high regard with the eight-legged Sleiponer and Unicorn, a majestic white apparition with a horned head. The Native Americans believe each person has a spirit totem animal, a counterpart that walks symbolically by your side exuding similar character traits. If you are blessed enough to hear the hooves of horse cantering by your side you will gain resilience, strength, and bravery.  Horses leap over massive jumps like obstacles in life showcasing an ability to work with the natural world and promote harmony. Those who encompass the qualities of a horse have an aristocratic and brave style of trotting through the wilderness of strife. If you fall the horse encourages you to get back up and ride again. This shows in the global paddocks as competitive and fast-track learning. The horse is a friend to humans carrying him through the good and not-so-good times with optimism and endurance. Dogs may be considered man’s best friend but the horse is the star of human help They are pack and therapy animals popular in sports, for breeding, and on the racetrack or rodeo. Horses are endearing and the relationship between horse and rider teaches us the art of teamwork and the closeness one can attain when learning new skills. When you connect with the soul of a horse you touch the spirit of their magic and bond with their sacred heart.

Author ~ Linda (Style Whiz)


butterfly Spirit animal


‘Butterfly Spirit Animals Of Love’

Butterflies are a reminder we are all in various stages of evolution on a planet that holds dear to its Mother Earth’s heart the desire to understand our purpose and origins. Like butterflies, we can fly high through life or walk a path of lesser challenges denying our innovative expansion. A jet-plane ride through lessons, learning, and leaps of intuitive faith. The payoff for experiences that enrich the soul is enlightenment as we take a cosmic cruise through adventures that shake us to the core bringing flashes of awareness on a trek to Nirvana—–and the heavenly gardens of consciousness. Our butterfly glide through life is pitted with happiness and hell as we navigate the dynamic of love with no compass GPS or manual to interpret this intangible rhetoric as we offer our hearts to another in the hope it makes sense to them. Love is crazy, confusing, and complicated. That is if you continue a theme handed by parents, ancestors, or film stars who know as much as you do. This 4-letter word brings celebration or a curse as the true meaning is denied in place of karmic codependency and control. Love in a 3-dimensional world has flaws and is subject to our programming from ancient times to now. The illusion of love is a compromise to the real deal in its unconditional form, while we live by the external and everything we can see, feel, and touch.

butterfly spirit animal

‘Meanwhile, an inner world awaits that sets our butterflies free, from living outside ourselves and sharing influence that dictates how we do what we do’

We then decide to go within and shift the paradigms of denial and mistruths. A system of negating anything we don’t know and may be unwilling to learn. As the caterpillar cocoons into a beautiful butterfly, we can transform from darkened ideals to authentic prowess. An elevation that illuminates our conscious human life  Now we are free to fly with purpose and align with our credible self. Did you know we all have spirit animals to guide a human trek through the dark Winter of existence? A butterfly spirit has a brave stance and will inspire you to move any hindering patterns and renew your ability to fly above the sway of family, friends, and lovers—-who play an integral part in our evolution. That is until we escape the need to conform to another’s ideals and set forth on a path of autonomy. With Butterfly by our side, we see beyond the programs endorsed through lifetimes of playing it safe and fulfilling roles we never signed up for a shift as our sovereign self awakens. We no longer live by the expectations of the collective or hand over our power to those who are seemingly powerless. A new day has come as we awaken to the truth of whom we divinely are.

‘The butterfly is wise and knows change is the key to a transformative, happy life’

Author ~  Linda (Style Whiz)






zen room sanctuary

Zen NatureTapestry

‘Your Authentic Zen Room Sanctuary’

As an awakened soul who feels the depth of her cosmic spirituality, I wanted to write about what makes space in your home spiritual. For many, it could be softer wall colors highlighted by wood elements and an abundance of house plants, honoring nature’s beautiful bounty. This imagery conjures calm, peaceful vibes but what if your decor style differs? You may prefer bolder colors or monochromatic black and white. The latter speaks to my heart as a place to call home and feeds my spiritual essence joyfully. I pass the test with house plants and wooden floors but that is more in tune with my decor theme, than decorating my rooms to suit a more zen room design. A zen design is primarily minimalist and Japanese in origin, from ancient times and the sacred Hindu language of Sanskrit. In plain English, zen is a meditative state and resonates with the Hindu pursuit of enlightenment. Hinduism is perhaps the oldest religion and works on the premise that what we take as our core beliefs, creates our thoughts and ultimately our actions and road-map of life.

‘The word zen in the modern age has become an in-vogue catch-phrase, for living an authentic spiritual life’

That is honoring your true self, your fabulous soul motif and not being overly influenced by celebrities or people you might wish you were. It’s hard not to be overwhelmed when the media splashes the latest and greatest versions of women encouraging teenagers to emulate their looks, dress code, and mannerisms. The issue of self-love or lack of it is monumental in this copycat society as the true self is hidden from view. Being comfortable with who we are, our unique self is the pathway to a contented life. We are all related and living on this ever-evolving planet. As far back as we know, man has sought to control with little regard for his neighbor’s free The spirit of cooperation is key to making our home a peaceful Garden of Eden, where animals are protected and the Earth is honored and respected. This begins with each one of us creating an environment that enhances happiness for all.

zen room sanctuary

Zen Decor Artwork

‘The philosophy of Zen is unity, without attachment and the ability to live in the present moment as ultimately, it is all we have’

The past has gone and the future is uncertain and unseen. The path to higher consciousness is to shift the mind of negative thoughts, namely fear, anger, or regret. It is then we can evolve the mind, so a response to an action or situation is not repetitive of the past. When we initiate a fight or flight mode, the heart has to work harder as stress hormones are released. Taking deep breaths gives us time to reconsider our actions and hopefully avoid conflict. A calm, zen mind inspires a positive outcome. The zen objective is to live a mindful life where every moment is valued and if we are aware of what is happening to us in every second or moment, the potential for enlightenment is real. This connection to the universe is inherited but forgotten through the eyes of a child, taught to live in a learned way.

‘The Japanese live by a less is more code when stylizing a room with a harmonic zen ambiance’

It is all about the energy flow  Natural light is preferred with elements taken from nature. Colors of the planet and indoor plants fit the zen classic interior plus minimum technology and functional furniture. A living area that looks out onto the ocean or lake induces a serene atmosphere, where the wonders of nature are your fortunate view. The stage is then set for a zen mood, to activate your inner sanctum. As Zen is symbolically a state of being you can create a space in your home with a decor style that makes you feel good. Not everyone will relate to the minimal look of a customary zen theme but still feel the zen high, in an interior they decide. Be true to yourself and give your home an energy that comes from the love of making it your own. When the heart is in tune with your surroundings, your vibration will rise bringing more love and calm to the place you call home. Spiritual interiors inspire an ethereal flavor of peace and higher consciousness.

Author ~  Linda (Style Whiz)