Cosmic Phases of The Moon, Mirrors Wall Art
The majesty of the moon that pilots our night sky ushering change to the tides, is an ancient symbol of wisdom and spirituality.
Her feminine stance evokes a sense of mystery while heralding change and internal growth The moon honors humanity with the potential, to evolve in spirit, and those born under the sign of Cancer possess a close kinship with this soulful satellite that works her magic in each passing phase, offering the incentive of enlightenment.
‘This heavenly body in all her glory and various stages of visibility from Earth, is a mirror that highlights the stages in our evolution’
She guides us to be better humans and in doing so, creates a more kind and caring world. Whatever your take on our mysterious moon, having this set of moon mirrors on your wall is a reminder of the energy this cosmic entity emits. And why ancient societies worshiped her, as a sacred deity. The light in the night sky is the closest entity to Earth. And therefore a powerful, cosmic influence on our lives
‘The healing begins’
The full moon entertains a dual, cosmic energy flow that naturally uplifts or calls for emotive outpourings. This encourages a process of inner cleansing, as the full moon brings hidden feelings to the surface, for analysis and change. Life is a series of events and happenings, and every thought process or feeling activated is stored in our human/soul archives. This can result in an emotional blowout, years later when something triggers, a traumatic event from the past. The earth’s natural satellite allows us to release what has come before, with forgiveness. In September, the moon appears in her brightest form. Depending on where you lived on the planet, this illuminated orb allowed farmers to harvest their crops long before the advent of electricity.
Moon Mirrors
‘Evolving With the Moon’
The many phases of our mysterious moon signify a potential for change we can harness. That is if we wish to evolve. The New Moon is the start of the cycle and a time for inspired beginnings. Imagine taking a leap of faith into a new career path, joining the gym, or clearing old thought patterns for healthier ideals. This can be a time to make positive choices, for any style of fresh start. And this begins with intention, then manifestation. We place too much emphasis on the possessions we accumulate, with often relaxed care for the most prized possession of all. ‘Our divine self,’ What we learned from our parents plays its part Everyday pressures and social media also play their part. Our modern world moves at an epic pace barely giving us time to pause and wonder. Is there more to life than this.? Moon cycles help us to look deep within our souls, where all answers are kept in a treasure chest of truth. Working with the moon takes us on a journey, of discovery and growth.
‘Our immortal moon’
Lunar magic is spiritually entwined throughout the 8-cycles of the moon and each stage helps us to find true meaning in our lives. Meditation is a reflective way to harness its power plus rituals that involve cleansing your living and mental space. Since the dawn of man, the magical orb in the night sky has been a fascination. Our ancestral Egyptians, Chinese, and Indians were moon worshipers. And as ancient astronomers, they understood the power, generated by the close ally of earth. Temple priests in Egypt monitored the movements of the stars and moon creating their style of Astrology named after their gods and goddesses. When man walked on the moon in 1969 he was likely to feel the dynamic energy our moon in the night sky projects. Our romantic, ethereal moon lights the night and offers us the potential to manifest our deepest desires. This set of moon mirrors can be stuck to your wall with a hanging template and arrives in a shiny black package for easy gifting. Instructions come with your pack.
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Author ~ Linda (Style Whiz)